El Paso Health Insurance Obamacare Myths

El Paso Health Insurance, why Obamacare ?

El Paso Health Insurance, understanding Obamacare and Health Care Reform

Today I will explain why Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) have changed the Health Insurance industry. Next week I will discuss how the Affordable Care Act addresses these problems and what is working, and what is not working, for the residents of El Paso and Texas.

The original premise of Obamacare was to address the following pressing issues.

  • Skyrocketing Health Care costs: In 2011, the average cost of Health Care for a family of four increased 7.3% to $19,393, which is nearly double the cost a decade ago. By 2030, payroll taxes will cover only 38% of Medicare costs and the rest will add to the Federal budget deficit.
  • Health Care Reform is required to improve the quality of care. Chronic diseases cause 70% of deaths in America and affects 45% Americans. The cost of treatment totals $1.7 trillion each year, which is 75% of all the money spent on Health Care. Disease prevention and wellness programs will serve to reduce these costs.
  • 25% of Americans have no Health Insurance coverage and they will die untreated. This is not only bad for them, but also for the economy as half of all the bankruptcies result from unpaid Medical costs.

Obamacare addresses the above problems by changing laws and implementing the Health Care Reform. Next week I will provide specific examples of how Health Care Reform is actually changing things, but at the same time new challenges have arisen that need to be corrected in order for this program to work as intended for El Paso residents and Texas residents in general.

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